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Safety Show Prices
How much is the show?
David has a set rate for both his shows (road safety or stranger danger). However, some schools will have an extra expenses fee added to assist with travel costs as David is based near Brighton in Sussex. Prices for multiple shows take place on the same day in the same venue. 100 Children maximum per show. For details on how many shows your school requires please see below or the FAQs page.
How many children per show and how many safety shows does my school require?
The show is very interactive with the children helping and calling out road safety messages throughout the show. This is great and keeps the children's attention and helps them remember everything. However this becomes less effective when there is more than 100 children. So if you have two or three form entry school, then you will require 2 or 3 shows.
  • 1 x Road Safety Show -  £300*  (max 100 children per show)
  • 2 x Road Safety Shows- £400*  (same day & same performance area)
  • 3 x Road Safety Shows- £500 * (same day & same performance area)
     *Plus expenses
David is based near the Brighton area and travels in a transit size van. Expenses are kept relatively low for example a school in Worthing or Lewes would not be charged. However a school in Bromley, Kent may be charged £40 extra and maybe a School in Milton Keynes may be charged an extra £60. In most cases expenses would not exceed £60.
Expenses will be quoted and agreed in advance before any final booking takes place.
How do we pay?
Once a quick telephone conversation has taken place (confirming the visit and discussion regarding parking, school entrance gates, DBS and ID check, correct seating of the children, power supply during the show ..etc.)  then a confirmation email will be sent along with an invoice.
IMPORTANT- Payment then needs to be made on the day or in advance. Unfortunately payment after the visit is NOT possible. Cheque payment is preferred, however bank transfer payments can also be made, but need to be made in advance. An invoice will be provided and sent when the booking is made. Please check with your school bursar that either cheque payment on the day or bank transfer 1 week in advance is possible before making the booking.
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